Fieldwork & Research Experiences

Current Project:
A Mixed-Method Study of Language Socialization of Iranian Immigrant/Refugee Families with Children in Bilingual Community Education Programs in the U.S.
The perils of relying on benevolent policy arbiters: Arizona’s return to 2000s-era English-only enforcement (Phase II: 2023-2024)

Esperanza Project: Collaboration with a Dual Language Bilingual Program in Arizona (2018-2021)

- Paper: Kaveh Y. M., Estrella-Bridges, A. (2024). Pedagogies of Resistance and Healing: Latinx Dual Language Teachers Battling Racialized Ideologies of Languagelessness in Arizona. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education.
- Presentations: Kaveh Y. M., Estrella, A. (2023, March). Pedagogies of Resistance and Healing: Latinx Bilingual Teachers Battling Racialized Ideologies of Languagelessness in Arizona.In colloquium: Centering Ideology in Language Teaching: A Global Perspective. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland, OR.
- Kaveh Y. M., Estrella, A. (2021, April). Not Bilingual Enough: Latinx Dual-Language Teachers’ Racialized Language Ideologies. In symposium: Engaging and Reimagining Racialized Notions of Citizenship, Participation, and Leadership in Bilingual Educational Settings. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Division G (Social Context of Education).

2. My research team and I worked with two kindergarten teachers (the designated English and Spanish teachers) and conducted virtual classroom observations and teacher interviews during the 2020-21 school year.
This work resulted in the following publication and conference presentations:
- Paper: Kaveh Y. M. & Buckband, C. (2024). Critically Conscious Family Engagement: Positioning Families as Co-Teachers Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic. Equity & Excellence in Education.
- Presentations: Kaveh, Y.M. & Buckband, C. (2023, April). Critically Conscious Family Engagement in a Virtual Dual Language Kindergarten Class during a Pandemic. In Poster Session, Case Studies of Critically Conscious Practice in DLBE Schools, Classrooms and Communities. American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Kaveh, Y. M., Buckband, C. (2022, April 25). Re-Setting Family Engagement: Embracing ‘Co-Maestros’ in Virtual Dual Language Bilingual Classrooms During a Pandemic. In symposium: Re-setting from the Margins: Humanizing Educational Experiences with Racially and Linguistically Minoritized Students and Communities. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Division G (Social Context of Education). San Diego, CA.

- Paper: Kaveh Y. M., Rodriguez-Martinez, S., Clement, V., Coughlin, A., Ozbek-Damar, S., & Buckband, C. (under review). Adelantando el Camino: Linguistic Motherwork in Dual Language Kindergarten Classrooms During the Pandemic.
- Presentations: Kaveh, Y.M., Buckband, C., Coughlin, A., Ozbek-Damar, S., Clement, V., Rodriguez-Martinez, S. (2023, April). Intersecting Pressures of Linguistic Motherwork Supporting Children in Bilingual Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Bilingual Education Research SIG., Chicago, IL.
- Kaveh, Y.M., Clement, V., Rodriguez-Martinez, S., Ozbek-Damar, S., Coughlin, A. (2022, March). Mothers as co-teachers: Linguistic motherwork during the pandemic. In colloquium: Power as caring relations: An intersectional, antiracist examination of the power of mothers in minoritized language education. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.

Arizona’s distinctive path to reversing its restrictive bilingual education policies (Phase I: 2019-2021)
- Presentations: Cervantes-Soon, C., Bernstein, B., Kaveh, Y. M., Rodriguez-Martinez, S., Mohamed, S. (2022, April 23). The Arizona Way to Reinstate Bilingual Education: Small Changes, Major Consequences. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Bilingual Education Research SIG. San Diego, CA.
- Bernstein, B., Kaveh, Y. M., Cervantes-Soon, C., Rodriguez-Martinez, S., Mohamed, S. (2022, March 19). Preventing damage, restoring choice: Arizona’s distinctive path to reversing its restrictive bilingual education policies. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.

Unspoken Dialogues between Educational and Family Language Policies: Children as Language Policy Agents (2017-2018)
For my doctoral dissertation, I conducted a qualitative project research project in two public elementary schools in Massachusetts. The study examined connections between language policies in four immigrant families and educational language policies at two public elementary schools in the context of an English-only state policy and larger sociohistorical language ideologies in the United States.
This work led to the following publications:
- Kaveh, Y. M. & Lenz, A. (2022). “I’m embarrassed and scared to speak a different language”: The complex emotions of bi/multilingual children of immigrants in monolingual U.S. schools. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Kaveh, Y.M. (2022). Beyond feel-good language-as-resource beliefs: Getting real about hegemonic language practices in monolingual schools. TESOL Quarterly. 56(1). 347-362.
- Kaveh, Y. M. & Sandoval, J. (2020). ‘No! I'm going to school, I need to speak English!’: Who Makes Family Language Decisions? Bilingual Research Journal, 43(4). 362-383.
- Kaveh, Y.M. (2020). Unspoken Dialogues between Educational and Family Language Policies: Language Policy Beyond Legislations. Linguistics & Education. 60. 100876.

The CLAVES Curriculum (2014-2017)
- Jones, R.L., Kaveh, Y.M., Pedersen, J. (2017, March). Syntax Use in Small Group Discussions and Argumentative Writing of Bilingual Elementary Students. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland, OR.
- Kaveh, Y.M., Pedersen, J (2016, April). The impact of Collaborative Reasoning discussion on bilingual students’ argumentative writing. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Orland, FL.

Genre-Based Pedagogy for Bilingual Students in Mainstream Classrooms (2013-2017)
- Brisk, M.E. & Kaveh, Y.M. (2019b). Mainstream Teachers for Successful Multilingual Classrooms: The Case of a School that Embraced a Genre-based Pedagogy to Teach Writing. In S. Hammer, K. M. Viesca, N. L. Commins. Teaching Content and Language in the Multilingual Classroom: International Research on Policy, Perspectives, Preparation and Practice (pp.145-167). N.Y.: Routledge.
- Brisk, M., & Kaveh, Y. (2019a). Teacher education for bi/multilingual students. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:
- Brisk, M.E., Kaveh, M.Y., Scialoia, P., & Timothy, B. (2016). Writing arguments: The experience of two mainstream teachers working with multilingual students. In C.P. Proctor, A. Boardman, & F. Hiebert, Teaching emergent bilingual students: Flexible approaches in an era of new standards (pp.138-156). N. Y.: Guilford Press.
Family language policy & maintenance of Persian: The stories of Iranian immigrant families in the Northeast, USA (2015-2017)
In this project, I worked with a group of Iranian immigrant parents in the Northeast, U.S. to examine their family language practices, beliefs, and management approaches in relation to the maintenance of Persian in areas where the Iranian community is more dispersed. The findings showed that a complex web of connections between family language policies and the sociopolitical contexts of the U.S. and Iran shaped the language profiles of the participating families.
This work led to the following publication:
- Kaveh, Y. M. (2018). Family language policy and maintenance of Persian: the stories of Iranian immigrant families in the northeast, USA. Language Policy, 17(4), 443-477.